California to Texas Road Trip

Once a year we try to plan a big road trip. So far we’ve gone to Seattle, Portland and Utah – with many stops in between. I told Joe I wanted to plan a road trip to Austin, Nashville, Montana and Charleston. He informed me those were all over the map so I had to focus on one state (please don’t ever give me a blank map of the US because I am terrible at that game). We had 8 days for this road trip so once I whipped out my trusty google maps and figured out how far everything was and how long it would take to drive…Austin it was. Texas has been on our list for years now and Joe was born in Bay City, TX so we were really excited for this.

Keep scrolling to see our itinerary!

Places we stopped in between CA to TX

Geography may not be my personal strong suit but planning and scheduling and excel sheets and using different colored pens to write with, oh my, is just my thing. 8 days may seem like a long time but calculating all the driving in between makes it a bit difficult to squeeze in all the places we wanted to see in between California to Texas. We knew we wanted extra time in Marfa and Austin and we definitely wish we could’ve stayed at least one more day in Austin but I tried to make sure our drive times averaged 7 hours a day – our longest one was 10 hours.

The day before we left Joe fractured his right hand wrist. So that was fun. But this was Lloyd’s first road trip and we were so proud of how well he did.

standing in the middle of the highway

Because we took a wholelotta photos we’ll be breaking them up into different posts. This set was taken in between our drive from Santa Fe, NM to Marfa, TX. The highways are long. And flat. And sometimes you just need to get out of the car and run in the middle of the highway. Plus we’re suckers for state border signs.

california to texas road trip itinerary

Our California to Texas Road Trip itinerary

Day 1: drive to Phoenix, AZ
Day 2: Phoenix to Santa Fe, NM
Day 3: Santa Fe to Marfa, TX (hello Texas!)
Day 4: explore Marfa – stayed at El Cosmico
Day 5: Marfa to Austin, TX
Day 6: explore Austin
Day 7: start heading back West. Austin to Las Cruces, NM (specifically to see the White Sands – one of our favorite stops this whole trip)
Day 8: New Mexico to Arizona (stop in between for Saguaro National Park)
Day 9: Arizona back home to California