hey, hi, hello

we believe in connection, communication, feeling all the feels—and when all the feels are there everything will fall right into place. we just want you in this, because when your heart is in it we are a 1000% right there with you. This is about to get so so good, pinky promise.

please take the time to fill out this form and give us all the info. in turn we respond to each email personally so please give us a minute to respond. if you prefer you can also email us directly jk @ joekathrina.com

so we can be pals, obvi. ours is @joekathrina

Reason for inquiring*

just an estimate works
name of venue or area. or is it a cliff overlooking the ocean? or out in the middle of the forest? give us the visual!

How did you find us? Who do we need to thank?!*

On a scale of 1-10, where are you at with choosing a photographer?*

be honest, How important is photography to you?*
what's one weird fact about you two? what do you guys like to do together? what's the vibe and style you're going for on your wedding day? tell us everything or at least something!
this is all about being a good fit for each other. and connection. we want to make sure we are that for you.
super important stuff right here