The Schoettgers // Welcome Greyson
We walked in their home with hushed tones, mouthing squeals with toothy grins. On the sofa sat Tayla, a tired but content smile on her face. In her arms snuggled a peaceful baby after a fitful night of sleep. Pop lullabies played in the background with baby bottles on the counter and a new dresser full of baby clothes in the corner.
It was a journey to get sweet Greyson home. We know how much this meant to them and it meant a lot to us.
How did we get here. It started off with a coffee date, running off to the woods for a weekend, spending a glorious day together, getting knocked over by the desert winds, and now this. We’ve shared dinners with these two, long conversations, loud laughs, big hugs, tears and so much joy. Calling these two friends is an honor and watching them become parents is a freaking joy.
Welcome to this world Greyson. You’ve got some pretty kick a- parents who love you so much. Also don’t worry Hudsen, you’re still a loved pup.
Aaaand these are the kinds of family photos that are up our alley. Less posed, more snuggles, you being how you are together. That’s what you want to remember more of, the stories behind the photo, not how awkward and stiff you felt. Fall is upon us, we get a lot of requests for family sessions and we might just be opening up dates for just that. Stay tuuuned.