Joey+Katie —
French New Wave Inspired Session
When we first started this photo business we weren’t very confident in our opinions. People have to start somewhere and learn. And we quickly learned we did not like receiving photos of other wedding photographers’ work and couples telling us “we want this photo”. We instantly put a stop to that and instead worked on instilling trust with our couples. Showing more of what we had to offer and what we could bring to the table — which are genuine photos and creating real moments that are way better than anything we could do with copying someone else’s photo.
That isn’t to say we don’t like inspiration photos. That is something entirely different…
While brainstorming our session with Joey+Katie, the first question we always ask couples is if they’re envisioning anything specific. If there’s a sort of vibe they’re going for. And when they came back at us sharing that they were thinking of a 1960s French new wave kind of situation, we were floored. They shared inspiration photos from Jean Luc-Godard films and our brains went into full study mode. We devoured documentaries on the style and Godard’s films and afterwards felt like we got secondhand smoke (if you know his films you would laugh at that last part). We were so thankful for the inspiration. This is the stuff that gets our juices juicing. That gets us so excited to create.
Someplace with cool buildings near the beach
They were thinking of somewhere that had some cool historical buildings and maybe the beach. We settled on starting at downtown Santa Ana and then driving to Newport Beach just in time for the sunset into dusk (our favorite light).

Finding random alleys and following the light.
Our favorite thing about sessions at downtown areas like Santa Ana is finding little nooks and crannies along the way. We’re always just walking and stopping wherever a spot calls to us. Wherever there is light that we can play with. Walking and talking. Like talking about turtlenecks, fake smoking (again a Godard reference), and dating apps (how these two met).

Off to the beach. But first, let’s get weird.
Besides trying to create timeless photos, we always love experimenting new things. Looking at things differently and seeing what works. And working with couples who are completely down for anything are our kind of couples. Joey and Katie, they get us.

Okay now here are photos at the beach.
We got to the beach just in time for our favorite light to shoot in, dusk. Blue light. If we’re able, we will always push to make photos during this time.