Stay Home Photo Inspiration
When all this (read: pandemic) started no one had any idea what to expect. No one still does. There is no guidebook in how to handle any of this, wish there never would be. In the beginning it seemed people had lofty lists on how to keep busy — picking up a hobby, starting a new side hustle, alphabetizing your book collection (just me?). Everything was still very much about do, do, do. It has now been over a month of “staying at home” for us and we feel the tone has definitely changed.
It’s okay not to be creating, it’s okay if you have down days, IT IS OKAY NOT TO DO A DANG THING. Yes, we are saying this much to ourselves and not just at you.
Because let’s be honest we had that list too. And there are some days we get up and are ready to face the day. To exercise, to take photos and be creative, to fix the car light, to garden and start that new hobby and “oh let’s facetime with friends today!” Then there are days we just want to stay in bed, watch Netflix, eat cookies and not face reality.
There is no right or wrong. Except to stay home. And wash your hands…and social distance…and wear a mask…and where is that guidebook?!
We realized posting photos of weddings and our couples just wouldn’t connect right now. So we started brainstorming (read: making a list…ugh) ideas of what photos we could create at home. It’s been inspiring, fun, challenging, frustrating, annoying, fulfilling, pointless, narcissistic and everything in between. Yes posting photos of ourselves still feels awkward, not sure if we’ll ever get used to it.
Butterfly Inspiration
Doesn’t it seem like butterflies are all the rage right now? Just us? Last year we went camping with friends (miss camping) where our crafty friend brought supplies to make butterfly crowns. I’ve kept that crown and the butterflies had been staring at me to do something with them.
So we hung up white curtains as our walls and played with paper butterflies.
Some BTS scoop? Joe’s allergies really started to act up while we were doing this, I was having hair issues, our double exposure wasn’t coming out like what we wanted, nothing was working out as we planned. When we had first started we were so inspired with our setup but then at that moment it all felt so frustrating. Afterwards when we had time to step back from it and look at everything we saw that we still had things we could work with.
A video of that shoot
A fun little video we made while taking these photos. Someone on instagram may have said it best, “You just made the visual equivalent of drinking a perfectly warm cup of chamomile tea.” But I don’t know, see for yourself…